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How can I connect my wearables to GenePlanet mobile app?

To connect your wearables with our GenePlanet mobile app, you need Google Fit mobile app (for Android) or Apple Health (for iOS/Apple) and allow access.



  1. Open GenePlanet mobile app.
  2. Select “Dashboard”.
  3. Select the “Activity tab”.
  4. Select “Connect device” on “Connect for easy tracking” card.
  5. Allow connection to Google Fit.

Can’t connect or sync data? Try opening the Google Fit app and check there if you allowed the connection:

  1. On your Android phone, open the Google Fit app.
  2. Tap “Profile Settings”.
  3. Tap “Manage connected apps”.
  4. To see the full list of connected apps, tap the dropdown arrow and select “All apps & devices”.


  1. Open GenePlanet mobile app.
  2. Select “Dashboard”.
  3. Select the “Activity” tab.
  4. Select “Connect device” on “Connect for easy tracking” card.
  5. Allow connection to Apple Health.
  6. When you are re-directed to Apple Health, you have to allow the connection for steps.

Can’t connect or sync data? Try opening the Apple Health app and check there if you allowed the connection:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Apple Health.
  3. Tap “Data Access & Devices”, then tap “GenePlanet app”.
  4. Find “Steps” and toggle to allow access.

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