Eat smarter with our intelligent food ranking system: Food ID

Sabina Muminović Last updated: 27 October 2023

Discover your personalised list of 500+ foods ranked healthy or unhealthy for you. Based on your body’s unique needs, customised to your preferences, and backed by science and experts!

Raise your hand if you go grocery shopping with an orderly list of healthy food choices (*silence*).

Or do you get frustrated trying to figure out “what is healthy for me” (*raises hand*)?

Even the most vigorous proponents of healthy living can fall off the wagon sometimes. To borrow the quote from Margaret Thatcher: “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”

When it comes to healthy eating, victory lies in taking on – and overcoming – small everyday challenges. Resisting the second cookie, not adding a double pinch of salt.

We can easily get overwhelmed by all the often contradictory information and advice available. But that doesn’t mean that eating healthy should stress you out!

Food ID, our science-based personal food ranking system, helps you win those battles day after day. What’s even more – it reveals precisely which foods are good for you and which are the saboteurs of your health and wellbeing …

Woman checking her phone while doing grocery shopping

“Healthy” might not be healthy for you

Healthy nutrition’s central dogma is to eat diverse fresh foods, focusing on fruits and vegetables. While this is essentially true, not all fruits and vegetables are equally healthy for everyone.

Food ID can consider your DNA test analyses and blood test results to offer you the most tailored list of healthy and unhealthy foods. This way, it can help you identify the hidden threats to your health and wellbeing.

Each of over 500 foods gets a score from 0 to 100. The score is based on individual food items’ characteristics and the objective data you provide.

The latter includes body measurements, DNA and blood test results. The more information you provide, the more personalised the scores are.

Based on the score, foods are classified into:

  • Not recommended (score: 0–54.9)
  • Acceptable in limited amounts (score: 55–74.9)
  • Recommended (score: 75–100)

Each food comes with not only a score but also a detailed breakdown of its most important characteristics. They are represented by icons of different colours, which indicate their importance to you:

  • Green icons represent food properties which address your individual needs.
  • Red icons represent food properties which make this food not recommended based on your individual needs.

Snapshots of food results on the GenePlanet mobile app

What does food personalisation look like?

Let’s look at spinach. Popeye’s source of strength is universally considered a superfood, packed full of nutrients, including iron. But wait – what if you have high iron in your blood? Then spinach slips from the top. The same goes for green peas.

Sweet potato is a good source of fibre, potassium, and vitamins. On paper, it fits the definition of healthy food. But it also has a high glycaemic index, which lowers its healthiness for people with high blood sugar and high BMI. They should also limit watermelon and rye flakes!

But on the other hand, individuals with high blood sugar and BMI will benefit from foods which other people should eat in moderation, such as capers, beefsteak, goat milk or duck eggs.

Let’s analyse another staple of healthy nutrition. Avocado is a rich source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. If you don’t have any special nutritional needs, its Food ID score is 79.1, which falls into the recommended category.

Avocado is also full of fats. Even though most of them are healthy unsaturated fats, it also contains 2.59 g per 100 g saturated (bad) fats. Therefore, avocado’s score will drop to “acceptable in limited amounts” for someone who has an unfavourable response to them.

On the other hand, if you lack vitamin D, avocado is a great source. Consequently, its score will jump to 89.6, placing it firmly among the recommended foods.

It considers your allergies, diets, and food preferences

Anyone who has to cross certain food off their list for any reason (personal choice, food intolerance or food allergy) knows the struggle of creating a diverse meal plan.

A couple of years ago, people with celiac disease or lactose intolerance could hardly find foods appropriate for them.

Today, almost every supermarket has a reasonable choice of gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian or vegan products. But we can still get stuck trying to remember which grains are gluten-free and which dairy products can you still eat if you need to limit lactose. We have you covered!

Food ID lets you filter foods according to your preferences and allergies. Skip the guessing, display the most relevant foods, and create meals to support your health and wellbeing.

Food ID is based on science and experts

The calculation is based on carefully selected scientific studies, WHO and European Commission’s nutrition and health guidelines, and recommendations for daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

The Food ID calculation takes into account:

  • 29 food characteristics or nutrient composition, such as energy value (kcal), the content of sugar, salt, different fats, etc.
  • 36 analyses with your objective data: body measurements, DNA test results, and blood test results.

How to get your Food ID?

Register or log in to our platform and enter body measurements to get your basic Food ID.

Then you can take it further; the more objective data you provide, the more personalised it is. Add your DNA and blood test results to achieve optimal personalisation!

Checking chickpeas nutrition on GenePlanet mobile app

Personalise your shopping list with our app

Have your list of “good for me” foods always within easy reach.

Food ID is available either on your computer or in our mobile app (available in the App Store or Google Play).

Use it when you’re walking down the grocery aisle, hunting for a delicious but healthy recipe, or just to quickly check the Food ID score of the foods you’re interested in.

The future of nutrition is personalised. Step into it; discover the list of foods healthy or unhealthy for you with Food ID!

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