Get a clearer picture of how your traits interact with and influence one another! In this post, we’ll teach you how Related analyses offer insights beyond the obvious, using a common concern – managing weight – as an example.
Your DNA analyses are grouped into chapters to make your results more structured. In MyLifestyle DNA test, the chapters are “Diet and nutrition“, “Sports and recreation“, and “Body and mind“.
But in real life, things aren’t so strictly categorised.
One trait never exists in a vacuum but interacts with other traits from the same or different chapter – it affects some and is affected by others.
For example, you can’t discuss weight management without nutrition. And knowing your caffeine metabolism is crucial when you try to improve sleep.
To help you better understand any individual trait, your results include the “Related analyses” tab.
Think of it as a bridge between chapters, connecting each analysed trait with others that influence it.
Where do I find related analyses?
When you click on any analysis in any chapter, you will see several tabs – the first, where you land when you click on the analysis, is the Results tab.
It’s followed by Recommendations, About, and, finally, Related analyses.
A click on this tab reveals all DNA analyses, blood markers, body measurements, and habits that are influenced by or influence the analysis you are currently viewing.
Now, let’s look at a practical example – a common and frustrating issue that plagues many individuals who want to control their weight:

Weight loss regain
Say you want to maintain a healthy weight, so you check your result for “Weight loss regain” analysis.
You find you’re more likely to regain the weight you worked so hard to lose. Recommendations give you concrete tips on what you can do, but related analyses can take you one step further.
They show you other factors that also affect weight loss regain – either encourage it or help prevent it.
Related analyses and how to use them
Below are the analyses related to weight loss regain. Let’s see how to interpret them in light of your result and use them to achieve your goal.
Satiety and hunger
Normally, we eat until we are full.
But due to their genes, some people don’t get the signal on time. They keep eating more than their body actually needs.
To prevent weight regain, they need to pay special attention to recommendations provided with the Satiety and hunger analysis.
A glass of water before a meal and an effort to eat slowly are great first steps.
Sweet treats intake
If you know you’re more likely to reach for sweet treats, you can pay more attention to what you have in your fridge or pantry.
Often, we don’t consciously think about what we reach for or put in our shopping cart. For many, having a stash of cookies, chocolate, chips, salted nuts, and the like is completely normal.
If you’re also more prone to craving sweet treats, remove the temptations!
Clear out your pantry, ask friends not to bring sweets as gifts, and keep just a small reserve of healthy snacks such as fresh fruits and unsalted nuts.
When an urge hits, experiment with spices that satisfy your sweet tooth without being calorie bombs (cinnamon, cardamom).

Response to monounsaturated fats
These healthy fats are crucial for cardiovascular health, but their benefits don’t end there.
They also lower the risk of becoming overweight!
And for some people, carriers of the favourable genetic combination, this beneficial effect is even stronger.
If you’re among the lucky ones, including more foods rich in these essential fats can support your weight management efforts.
Carbs and body weight
A lot of people still believe that carbs are a lean waist’s ultimate enemy.
True enough if we talk about simple carbs (sugar). But complex carbs (starch and fibre) are another story – they digest slower, helping manage blood sugar spike, improve digestion, and keep you full longer.
And for some, it goes beyond that – a diet low in complex carbs increases the risk of becoming overweight!
If you don’t know that, you might cut out all carbs, thinking you’re doing your body a favour. You can take a little fatigue for the sake of a leaner waist, right?
In reality, you’ll probably just end up with less energy and more kilos!
Stretch marks
If your weight tends to fluctuate, this yo-yo effect can leave its marks on your skin. Literally!
Stretch marks are usually related to pregnancy and rapid weight gain and loss, but you can be more prone due to your genes.
Ready for part two?
This is part one of a series of posts in which we explore related analyses for a selected trait that affects many.
Keep an eye on your inbox – or subscribe to our newsletter if you’re new here – so you don’t miss the next chapter!