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What is the difference between GenePlanet’s Home DNA tests?

Each of the tests focuses on one aspect of your life. Based on your interests, you can choose the following:

  • MyLifestyle focuses on lifestyle factors and includes chapters Diet and nutrition, Sport and recreation, and Mind and Body.
  • MyHealth DNA test is more health-oriented, helping you recognise and address potential threats to your health. It includes chapters Disease risk (PRS) and Immune system.
  • MyAncestry DNA test reveals your genetic history, the Neanderthal in you, and genetic predispositions for fascinating physical traits.

If you want to get the most comprehensive insight into your health and lifestyle, select the Premium DNA test. It contains all the above-mentioned tests with free updates.

You can also choose a one-time payment with free updates and new analyses for a lifetime or pay an initial fee with a monthly subscription you can cancel anytime. It includes free updates until you have an active subscription.


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