Why are you feeling disconnected and 18 things you can do to reconnect

Sabina Muminović Last updated: 17 January 2025

In a world as interconnected as ours, it’s ironic how many of us feel profoundly disconnected. There’s a sense of emptiness, emotional detachment, of something essential missing. In this article, we dive into the causes and tips to regain that missing link!

Perhaps you’re not seeing your purpose in life and are asking yourself how you got to this point? It feels like there should be something more, but when you think about it, you feel sort of empty. You feel stuck on a treadmill, disconnected from everything and everyone.

You’re not alone. There are many people suffering from the disconnection of modern life. In fact, it’s quite natural, and it can happen to anyone, no matter their living situation or social status.

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to reconnect. One of the things that should be on your to-do list is learning your genetic predispositions for mental wellbeing.

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But first, you need to know why you’re feeling disconnected. Let’s take a look at some possible causes.

In this article

Why are we feeling disconnected
18 things you can do to reconnect
Interested in your genetic predispositions for mental wellbeing?

Why are we feeling disconnected

Feeling disconnected can mean different things to different people.

  • You can feel like you’ve lost your passion for things you’ve once enjoyed.
  • You can feel stuck and searching for a purpose.
  • You can feel like you’re just performing your daily tasks but feel numb or disconnected on the inside (functional freeze).
  • Or you can even feel lonely even though you’re not alone.

Factors that influence you feeling disconnected

There can be various environmental and genetic causes. We’ll go over the most common ones.

Technology and dopamine

Looking at our phones and checking social media has become an automatic response to any sound or vibration that comes from our devices. We do it constantly, even when waiting just a minute to get our coffee.

Such behaviour can easily cause fear of missing out (FOMO), even if we’re not aware of it. We have learned to instantly check emails, notifications and to respond to any stimuli our devices send us. Our tendency to put our phone before our own wellbeing can quickly cause disconnection.

We can also see the best, often fabricated moments from everyone else’s life, which can lower satisfaction with our lives. The whole Instagram seems to be living a dream while we’re stuck in our routine. That’s not a healthy image of reality, nor is it, in fact, the reality.

Although it seems like social media connects people, it really doesn’t. Even Sean Parker, the founding president of Facebook, admitted that the social network was founded not to unite us but to distract us. “The thought process was: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” he confessed.

To achieve this goal, Facebook’s architects exploited human psychology, explained Parker, who resigned from the company in 2005. Whenever someone likes or comments on a post or photo, Facebook gives you a little dopamine boost. And it’s the same with so many other platforms, innovations and applications.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that inspires us to take action to meet our needs and desires, which was crucial for humanity’s survival.

Because we can now get small dopamine releases so often during the day, it lowers our desire and motivation to do the harder tasks. That leaves us feeling guilty, lethargic and stuck in a negative loop where we blame ourselves. We end up disconnected from a lot of things we see as meaningful.

Loneliness and keeping to ourselves

Modern life and technology lead many people to situations when they are feeling lonely, even when they are not alone.

When was the last time you had a truly deep and meaningful live conversation? This lack of connection with other people not only makes us feel disconnected from them but more susceptible to depression and other chronic health issues as well.

Many of us have a difficult time sharing emotions – because of various stigmas and because people, particularly men, are socialized not to talk about feelings. While this is slowly changing, it’s still a huge problem.

Another barrier is the simple fact that it can be difficult to put feelings into words or explain them in a way others may understand. Especially in the world where we rely more and more on short messages. And if we feel misunderstood, we might even seek solace in disconnection.

Stress and anxiety

People deal with intense stress in very different ways. Some are more easily annoyed or frustrated by minor inconveniences and lose their temper much more easily than the average person. Some people are prone to just tune out. Some experience dissociation, others obsess over stressful thoughts. Stress sensitivity is also linked to cortisol reactivity, which has a genetic component.

Stress is another huge topic that we can’t really cover here. However, we have written a comprehensive article about stress and ways to manage it. You can read it here.

Woman sitting on a sofa with a laptop in her lap

Lack of quality sleep

You know how sometimes you wake up and just feel it’s going to be a good day, while other times you wake up feeling worried or just empty.

You might just say that you’re not a morning person, but sleep is a basic human need and is so important for health and wellbeing. Sleep quality refers to how well we sleep, integrating aspects of sleep initiation (falling asleep in 30 minutes or less), sleep maintenance (waking up no more than once per night), sleep quantity (sleeping at least 85 per cent of the total time while in bed), and refreshment upon awakening.

Getting enough quality sleep can help protect mental health, physical health, and quality of life. Changes in sleep quality, quantity, and timing have been associated with several human diseases, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression.

As you can see, quality of sleep affects many aspects of our lives. Not getting enough quality hours can certainly be one of the factors that makes us feel disconnected.

Research has shown that sleep quality is a highly complex trait involving many genes and their interactions with environmental factors.

Seasonal depression

Seasonal depression is a type of recurring depression related to changes in the seasons.
For most people with seasonal depression, symptoms appear during late fall or early winter when periods of daylight are shortest and go away during the sunnier days of spring and summer.

Less commonly, seasonal depression occurs in the spring or early summer. The prevalence of seasonal depression is between 1% and 10% of the general population, and the age of onset is estimated to be between 18 and 30 years.

While some people with seasonal depression have mild symptoms like feeling irritable, others have worse including depression, loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed, low energy, difficulty sleeping, concentrating, changes in appetite or weight, feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty, or have frequent thoughts of death or suicide.

Individuals with winter-type depression are more likely to experience carbohydrate cravings, weight gain, oversleeping and fatigue, while symptoms of summer-type depression include agitation, insomnia, poor appetite, weight loss, agitation or anxiety, and intolerance of heat and humidity.

In both cases, symptoms may begin to be mild and become more severe as the season progresses.

The causes of seasonal depression are complex, but studies suggest a genetic component. In this case, taking a genetic test can let you know if you’re prone to seasonal depression and can help you prepare accordingly. Also, the knowledge itself can be of some comfort as you know the season will pass.

Outlook on life

Optimism relates to how people see the future: more optimistic individuals expect good things to happen across various areas of life. Although we often say that an individual is either an optimist or a pessimist, researchers tend to view optimism and pessimism on a spectrum.

Unsurprisingly, optimism has been associated with higher well-being, higher levels of self-esteem, positive mood, more resilience to stressful or negative events, self-mastery, and active coping.

Psychologists have found that optimism may be beneficial for mental health because it allows us to cope adaptively with our problems instead of disengaging from them.

The benefits of optimism are also reflected in interpersonal relationships; optimists appear to engage in the sorts of problem-solving that keeps relationships alive.

Both optimism and pessimism are strongly influenced by environmental factors, but recent research has shown that the potential for optimism is also influenced by genetic factors.

It might be tough to change your outlook on life, but it’s far from impossible. Pessimists have a much greater chance of feeling disconnected, but as you’ll see there are things you can do to move towards the optimist side of the spectrum. After all, how you perceive life is highly subjective, which means you can influence it.

Depersonalisation disorder

Depersonalisation disorder (also known as derealisation disorder) is a different cause from the ones we’ve mentioned so far. The primary symptom is a distorted and detached perception of one’s body and thoughts (depersonalisation).

The disorder is sometimes described as feeling like you are observing yourself from outside your body, being in a dream or feeling like a robot. However, people with this disorder do not lose contact with reality. They realise that things are not as they appear. An episode of depersonalisation can last anywhere from a short time (a few minutes) to (rarely) many years.

Depersonalisation also might be a symptom of other disorders, including some forms of substance abuse, certain personality disorders, seizure disorders, and certain other brain diseases.

If you are experiencing depersonalisation disorder symptoms, you should see a doctor and get an official diagnosis, as this is not the case where you should try to treat the feeling of disconnect yourself.

Now that we’ve reviewed some common causes of feeling disconnected let’s see what you can do to “reconnect”.

Thoughtful young man sitting on a windowsill looking in the distance

18 things you can do to reconnect

We’ve compiled a pretty extensive list of activities and changes that can help you to feel better and more connected. Think about the reasons why you feel disconnected and find what activities address them the best.

While these descriptions are short, they are a good starting point, and you can dive deeper to learn more about the ones that are relevant for you.

1. Reach out

It might feel counterintuitive or daunting, but to feel better, we often need to be vulnerable, reach out and open up to a friend or a therapist.

If you have someone in your life that you trust and knows will be supportive, reach out to them. If the interaction doesn’t feel right, try again with someone else.

If you find you have a hard time opening up to friends or family, you can seek out professionals trained in mental health. Sometimes, it’s easier to talk about our problems to “strangers”, and there’s absolutely no shame in searching for professional help and going to therapy.

2. Listen to your body

Our bodies send us messages all the time. You know when you’re tired, hungry or when you feel like hanging out with people.

As simple as honouring the body’s needs seems, it’s not necessarily easy. Especially in a society that puts emphasis on productivity. We can quickly start overriding our body’s real need for fresh air, looking around, even going to the bathroom.

This isn’t your fault; it’s merely conditioning that many of us have to practice becoming aware of in order not to default to it over and over again.

Such behaviour can make you feel like you’re stuck in a rut.

Just think of athletes – their rest days are just as important as training days for the body to perform optimally and health to be preserved. It’s the same with you and your mind!

3. Put away electronics

Resist the urge to check your smartphone when it’s not necessary. Put it somewhere where you can’t habitually pick up and use them. You might even consider uninstalling apps like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. 

If nothing else, don’t use electronics at least 30 minutes before bedResearch studies have shown that blue light they emit suppresses the hormone melatonin, making us less sleepy.

Reading a book is a much better alternative for relaxing before bedtime.

Upset young woman checking her phone

4. Practice positive reframing and positive affirmations

Reversing negative thinking patterns and replacing them with positive ones can help us feel happier, more optimistic. Such a shift from a negative to positive perspective is called “positive reframing”.

  • Challenge yourself to try another way of looking at things. When you notice negative thoughts entering your mind, try to stop or divert them to another topic.

This can be difficult at first, but with some practice, it will become easier and more automatic over time. It not only shifts your viewpoint in the short term but trains your brain for an optimistic and positive mindset.

You can also use affirmations – positive statements that encourage an optimistic mindset. They can help you motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self-esteem.

If you often get caught up in negative self-talk and focus on negative outcomes, affirmations can help you control your feelings.

  • Practising positive affirmations can be very simple – just choose a positive phrase and repeat it to yourself.

5. Surround yourself with optimists

Research has shown that happiness depends on the happiness of others with whom we are connected. If one person is optimistic about a situation, others are likely to feel positive as well.

On the contrary, being surrounded by more pessimistic people increases the chances that their pessimism will also affect us.

  • Try to maximise time spent with optimistic people, and if you find yourself surrounded by people complaining about a situation or problem, try not to partake.

See if you can shed some positive light on the situation instead. Making other people feel positive also has lasting effects on your own life.

6. Smile

The evidence suggests that muscle and skin activity of facial expressions may directly activate regions of the brain that produce hormones associated with emotion.

Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that voluntary smiling, or faking a smile, can produce similar electrical brain activity to spontaneous or genuine smiling.

  • When it comes to smiling, the saying “fake it till you make it” holds true!

7. Spend time with friends and family

People who cultivate high-quality relationships experience higher well-being, life satisfaction, and quality of life than those who do not nurture such relationships.

  • Studies show that people who maintain close relationships with friends and family cope better with stress and grief, job loss, or illness.

Even “weak ties” or casual friendships contribute to your wellbeing!

Friends hugging, happy to meet

8. Engage in regular exercise

The frequency of physical movement throughout the day, even if not rigorous exercise, is associated with both physical health and happiness.

Research shows a positive link between exercise & positive mood, as well as lower levels of anxiety and depression.

  • Every day, find some time to move. If not exercise, at last go for a walk (e.g., to the store), take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do a 15-minute stretch at home.

Something is always better than nothing when it comes to exercising.

9. Spend time in nature

Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing.

Go for a daily walk or run in nature. If that’s not possible, do it at least over the weekend. Hang out near plants and trees, observe the sky and smell the flowers.

10. Consider a pet companion

A pet companion reduces loneliness and contributes to overall wellbeing throughout life. Having a pet can lower stress and improve mental health conditions.

A study also shows that dog owners are generally more physically active than those without a furry companion!

However, remember that having a pet is also a responsibility and a time investment, so don’t think about it as a magic problem solver.

11. Manage your stress levels

If you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to reduce it: learn a few time-management techniques, practice yoga, meditation, or learn breathing techniques.

All of the above can have a positive effect on improving stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep quality

12. Mindfulness practices

We spend a lot of time contemplating events that happened in the past, may happen in the future, or will not happen at all.

Mindfulness aims to increase awareness of the present moment.

When we are present, we find more meaning in our day-to-day experiences, which allows for moments of clear recognition. We can truly be with our loved ones physically and emotionally.

Several research studies have shown that practising mindfulness can have a significant and positive impact on mental and physical health.

13. Make your environment sunnier and brighter

Seasonal depression is related to changes in the amount of daylight during different times of the year.
So, if you feel bad during a certain season, make your work and home environments as light and airy as possible.

  • Open the window curtains or shades to let in the daylight, trim tree branches that block sunlight, or add skylights to your home.

Also, try to sit closer to bright windows when you are at home or in the office – possibly in the sunshine. Full-spectrum bulbs, which emit a light spectrum that simulates the full visible light spectrum of natural sunlight, can bring a little more daylight into your home during the winter months and help with mild symptoms.

A sunnier and brighter environment can lift your mood even if feeling disconnected has nothing to do with seasonal depression.

14. Get sufficient and quality sleep

Research has shown that those who sleep well are more satisfied with life. In contrast, sleep disruptions have been associated with negative psychological consequences such as depressed mood, anxiety, and poor emotion regulation, and “repetitive negative thoughts”.

  • For optimal health, most adults need an average of about 7–9 hours of sleep each night!

An extensive survey revealed that individuals who reported getting more sleep also had higher overall wellbeing than those who said they got less sleep.

15. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine

Stress can have a profound effect on sleep.

  • Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a bath or listening to music.

Research has shown that taking a hot bath 90 minutes before bed improved sleep quality and helped to get more deep sleep.

You can also try to unwind before bedtime by practising meditation or relax with a good book instead of electronics, which can disrupt sleep. Try to drink herbal tea, especially valerian or lavender.

For more bedtime and morning tips, check out our article about waking up.

Young couple preparing a meal together in the kitchen

16. Eat a well-balanced diet

An unprocessed diet high in fruit, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats is linked with increased happiness, life satisfaction, wellbeing, and better mental health outcomes.

Research has shown that consuming vegetables even led to a higher level of happiness over time than sugar or unhealthy foods that make you feel good at the moment.

  • Avoid foods that seem enjoyable at that moment but make you feel worse after (sugary foods, alcohol)!

A Mediterranean-style diet made up of fruits, vegetables, extra-virgin olive oil, yoghurt and cheese, nuts, whole grains, seafood, and lean meat is recommended

17. Find time for enjoyable activities

Doing what you enjoy is good for your emotional wellbeing. A study has shown that individuals who engaged in more frequent enjoyable leisure activities (hobbies, sports, socialising, spending time in nature), reported greater life satisfaction, life engagement, and social support.

  • Finding work and leisure that engages your skills is also a good way to feel accomplished. Happy people often work in a state called “flow” – they are immersed in tasks that challenge them but do not overwhelm them.

18. Let your imagination help you

We can create imaginative experiences to help us when we’re feeling disconnected. Just like athletes learn sports psychology techniques to visualise their success on the field or court, we can do the same.

  • We can imagine we’re giving – or getting – a hug, even when we’re alone and just video chatting with someone we love.

We can hug ourselves when we send that hug to someone else, and ask them to do the same. Our imagination will help us fill in the space between a real hug and what we’re doing,” counsellor Anne Marie Vorbach, PhD, LP, Avera Medical Group Behavioral Health Marshall, says. “It may sound simple, or silly – but it works.

Interested in your genetic predispositions for mental wellbeing?

Now you know what steps and activities to try when you’re feeling disconnected. All of them have to do with environmental factors, but plenty of factors that influence our mental wellbeing are affected by our genes.

If you want to learn more about your predispositions, take MyLifestyle DNA test.

It includes more than 80 analyses, including Body and mind chapter, which reveals your genetic predispositions for sleep quality, stress sensitivity, happiness potential, seasonal depression, fear and anxiety and others.

It also comes with expert recommendations depending on your results, and it will certainly help you to know yourself better!

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